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Holy Ramadan & Sports

5 Tips For Training During Holy Ramadan

It’s always a question for many Muslims who are fasting each year. Should we be training during Holy Ramadan? Working out on an empty stomach, without any food and water, during long summer days seems really challenging.

Ramadan is a month of self-reflection and the perfect time to look back and be thankful to all you have. It is a time of sacrifice and gratitude.

Even some may think it is not a good idea, it is recommended to keep physical activity which has also been proven to be very healthy even during fasting. Hit your local gym, go for a run, or maybe try ATILIM WingTsun or ATILIM Escrima. These are all great options to keep your fitness during Holy Ramadan.

There are many different and conflicting ideas on whether or not to train during Holy Ramadan. What we can say is it’s perfectly fine. However, we would like to share six tips for working out during the holy fasting month of Ramadan.

1) Make the decision

No food and water all day long, it is understandable to be reluctant to work out during Holy Ramadan. But the awesome point is, it’s perfectly healthy to maintain exercise in a fasted state. In fact, many researches states that exercising while fasting may actually empower good brain health and keep muscles biologically young.

Exercising during fast is also known in some cases to boost energy, making you feel fresh, alert, and full of life. It supports the blood flow and all the bodily functions working properly.

So if you’re still reluctant whether or not to work out during Holy Ramadan, decide today and start working out. You’ll be thankful to Allah one more time for the energy and health you are given.

2) It helps maintain your fitness and weight

During fasting, human body lacks the carbohydrates and sugars necessary for daily activity. Thus, it is forced to use the fat stores in the body to produce energy by which the body is also trained to shed fat, using the fat stores gained over years.

Another problem for many people during Holy Ramadan is the quick change of weight either up or down. A balanced diet, supported with the right amount of exercise is key to maintaining health and fitness, and controlling your weight.

Fasting is not an obstacle for exercise, thus, don’t quit your exercise routine during Holy Ramadan. If you already don’t have an exercise routine, it’s strongly recommended to start one.

3) When is the best time to work out during Holy Ramadan

Timing of work out during Holy Ramadan is always a question. When is the most appropriate time to work out? Each person is unique and live different lives and schedules. However, it is recommended to start yout work out an hour before breaking your fast.

Work out around an hour before you break your fast. This is so that you can break your fast and eat immediately after. It replenishes the body instantly. Some workouts can also be performed after breaking your fast or just before Suhur.

4) What workouts work best

It is safer and better to keep work outs light and comfortable for your endurance during Holy Ramadan. Thus we can say, moderate exercises are recommended.

Whether you like to jog or cycle, or hit the gym for some ATILIM WingTsun-Escrima training, it’s all good as long as you can stay active.

ATILIM WingTsun-Escrima classes allow you to work out at your own pace and has high-intensity and low-intensity drills that can be adapted according to your needs.

Another important aspect of timing is listening to your body and find out which is best for you as everybody is different. Try to find out what works best and when you have the most energy: to work out on an empty stomach, or after breaking your fast with a light meal.

5) Break Your Fast with Gym Members

Another contribution of Holy Ramadan to the lives of Muslims all over the world is to promote brotherhood and loyalty among neighbors and relatives. ATILIM is a family environment. Thus sharing is caring for every ATILIM member. Coordinate an Iftar or Suhur with your gym members and spend the time together enjoying the brotherhood and the taste of being a big family with all ATILIM members.

6) The Do’s and Don’ts

DO: Exercise length for about 30 minutes to an hour.

DO: Be hydrated well between Iftar and Suhur.

DO: Listen to your body and keep your intensity that is right for you.

DO NOT: Push yourself to the limit or overexert yourself. Just work at a comfortable intensity for yourself.

DO NOT: Eat unhealthy food or junk food. Avoid fried and fatty food and stay healthy. Fuel yourself only with high-quality stuff.

If you’re looking for an exercise routine to start this Ramadan, give Listen to ATILIM WingTsun-Escrima a go.

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