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ATILIM SummerCamp 2017-I Ends

ATILIM WingTsun-Escrima® fans met at Yedigöller, Bolu on July 26, 2017 for the first day of ATILIM SummerCamp 2017-I.

Sifu AKIN instructed the camp and started the first day with basic techniques and SiuNimTau and ChamKiu forms. Participants started to learn their own programs in the following days.

First half of each day was ATILIM Escrima® and the second half was ATILIM WingTsun®. Participants trained around 4-5 hours each day under the instruction of Sifu AKIN.

Camp days were full of side events such as camp fire, barbecue, tea, and marshmallow. Participants, together with their families, had lots of trekking opportunities in the natural beauty of Yedigöller area.

While sparring was more realistic each day, Sifu AKIN also focused on the benefits of ATILIM WingTsun-Escrima® for the health and wellness of individuals.

ATILIM - Turkey branch hosts three camps each year, one in winter and two in summer. WinterCamp 2017 was held in Akyaka, MUĞLA in early February. Second SummerCamp is planned in Antalya on 26-30 August 2017.


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