Face-to-Face Classes Starts in Netherlands
Members will take full advantage as gyms will be able to re-open on Wednesday, July 1st.
But, the re-opening brought a number of changes inside.

ATILIM Head Instructor told staff members will keep cleaning equipment and the gym regularly and will be making sure members are social distancing. He said they will make sure the group follows all of the recommendations on sanitation and social distancing practices.
He mentioned that, with summer camps and boot camps, they will ensure to catch up the loss of time while being shut down. So members will be able to cover the loss of training during the pandemic.
He underlined exercise is a must for a strong immune system and all members should hurry to start classes not only to be ready for a real life encounter, but also to strengthen themselves for a fight against the pandemic.
ATILIM Netherlands will start classes first in Amstelveen and Rotterdam locations.